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홍보센터 행복한 소리를 듣는 즐거움을 여러분께 드립니다.


2011 Foreign Research Worker Job Offer

작성자 : 알고코리아    작성일 : 2013-02-06 10:55   읽음 : 17,299

Dear Potential Researcher,
There is an opportunity for you to work with us in Korea as a foreign research worker.
It is an one year working program but you can extend your working VISA as far as you are employed with us.
If you want to accept our offer, please send me the following documents as soon as possible because this specific program application for foreigners is time limited.

You should be
a Ph.D. doctor or,
a M.Sc./M.Eng. degree with two years professional working experience if you graduated at an overseas University or,
a M.Sc./M.Eng. degree at an University in Korea.

1. a resume (a curriculum vitae)
2. a certificate of B.Sc. degree (Original letter)
3. a certificate of B.Sc. degree graduation (Original letter)
4. a certificate of M.Sc. degree at Chosun university (Original letter)
5. a certificate of M.Sc. degree graduation at Chosun university (Original letter)
6. a professional career certificate if you have (Original letter)
7. two recent photographs (similar size as passport)
8. a copy of passport
9. What is your telephone number in your country ?
10. What is your home address in country ?

I will send your job application to Korean Small & Medium Business Administration.
Your original copies of documents need to be kept while the job application inspection finishes.
I will return your original copies back to you after the job application inspection finishes. It will take a month.

We hope a ressearch worker familiar with Assembler language for DSP IC chip Firmware development in Digital Hearing Aid.

Best regards,
Professor. Soon S. Jarng, CEng
President of Algorkorea Co., Ltd. (hearing aid specialized venture company)
619-620 Dept. of Control & Instrumentation, Robotics Engineering,
Chosun University, South Korea
Tel: +82-62-230-7107
Fax: +82-62-226-3211
Email ssjarng@chosun.ac.kr


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대표이사 : 권유현    사업자등록번호 : 408-81-78604  

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