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Why does the hearing aid business have potential future ?

작성자 : AlgorKorea    작성일 : 2013-01-31 11:02   읽음 : 1,124

Why does the hearing aid business have potential future ?
There could be several reasons.
1. The recent accelerated trend of technology is unbounded fusion between different and diverse technolgies such as IT(Information Technology), BT(Biological), NT(Nano), ET(Environmental) etc.. Hearing aids are really fused products from all of those diverse technologies. The smaller and the more complex functioning of 100% DSP digital hearing aid for ITE(In-The-Ear) type are getting more attraction from most customers.
2. Silver industry for elder people is being rapidly increased. In Korea or In Japan 5% of the whole population have hearing impairment problems. And more than 30% of the population over 60 years old are hearing impairments.
3. New trend of hearing aid development is adopting telecommunication technology, so as to suppy remote or wireless digital hearign aids for better sound quality and less acoustic feedback and less noise interference.
4. Most technologies have become very short in life cycle. That is, new idea and new technology update just half year previous technologies. But hearing aid manufacturing business does not much affected by such a new change because it takes time for people to adapt to their hearing aids.
5. Unlike car industry or ship building, hearing aid manufacturing does not require a big-scaled factory. Hearign aid manufacturing is possible in a small-sized laboratory. It is very cost effective manufacturing industry. It is very high standard and valuable silver industry.
Algorkorea is a leading venture company in hearing aid manufacturing industry in Korea.

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